Monday, April 30, 2007

Short little workday

John was out of town Friday night, and I was resting. Resting, resting, resting. Listening to birds, taking walks to look for wildflowers, and other stereotypically "relaxing" activities. (Wine, books, crossword puzzles: yes.) Friday night turned into Saturday morning...morning became afternoon...I'd thought about going over to the house and doing this and that on my own, but I was too busy. Resting.

Anyway, we met up at the house in late afternoon Saturday, John with a deep voice from 3 hours of sleep. We popped a little piece of drywall into the hole above the door. Then another big piece behind where the toilet will go. (Forgetting, by the way, to mark where the toilet will the mark is on the other side of the, um, wall. Oh well.)

On to DenShield, the special pricey stuff for around the shower. It's grey. You pay a lot more for the greyness. It keeps water out. We put up one sheet, where the showerhead will be. And that's all she wrote.

Other stuff happening at the house: hostas have come up around back, poking through piles of insulation. Some bush is blooming at the edge of the yard. Violets are all through the grass. The mountains are still there.

- Erika

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